I believe Graphics needs advertising and vice versa, without the both they will not be completed. I have also spoken about packaging (task 6 in my previous post) which certainly plays a big role in advertising. The role of advertising needs to communicate with the audiences and try to think or even persuade consumers into pus chasing the product brand or its services. In order for the advertisement to be effective it must send out the message it wants to relay. i.e the advertisement is trying to sell a particular product than it must persuade the audience that for whatever the functional or emotional reason they need to purchase the product.
Although the message needs to communicate with the audience effective, the individual audiences must be willing to buy into the desired message. The message needs to be sent and received in order to know this particular advertisement has been mission completed. As advertisers says
Advertising is a 2 way communication process!
In my opinion a good advertising needs to be soooooooooooooooo different from the rest. It needs to be unique and hasn't been done before neither should it be plagiarised for example. audiences will recognise an advert posters billboard etc if it has been done before so advertising needs to be new and hasn't been heard or seen before.
I also believe advertising needs the following:
Typeface : audience needs to see a clear typefaces as an image in advertising so make the typeface to be equally as important as the image.
Colour : The colour needs to be different to your target audiences. i.e if you want to brand a new chocolate you wouldn't want to use red and black because red and black is used for Mars bars.
Image : The image needs to be clear so the audiences will know what is it about, without having to read the type next to it.
Space : is an important role because audiences needs to rest near eyes on that particular part of the advertising, you wouldn't want to crowd everything altogether so it becomes so visually busy, This will put off audiences
Slogan : every company needs it slogan and funny enough in my opinion the more funny it is the more distinctive and recognise the company or advertising it is. Also when u say the companies slogan, it needs to have a rhythm when speeching it out. A few example below which are verbally memorable
"I cannot believe its not butter."
"Bam Bam BamBamm Bammmmmm Im lovin it"
"You've been Tango"
"You can do it when you B&Q it"
"Call 118 118"
Its not just any pudding its M&S pudding"
Good Ads
I like adverts which are motivating, which will give me insipration and often gooesbumps. This is why i chose nike ads to be one of them.
Stickman plays footie with a world class star

Rubbish ad annoying as well
Made from perfectionist Peugeot 407

(everyone knows peugeot is not known for the greatest cars)
Clever ads abroad very funny

Below is the Jordan "failure" of the ads i got in my bedroom wall as it keeps me motivated and inspired by. I love this add so much..........

posted by Simon Genesis @ 17:51,
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This blog discusses the current visual, social and technological debates in design. Albert Einstein said, “The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources,” but what the hell did he know anyway?
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